Campbell Central High School Alumni [Campbell, NY]

Even though not all teachers and/or staff are included as honored in this section, ALL TEACHERS and STAFF are appreciated.

Your efforts affect:
School Staff, Administrators, Other Teachers, etc.
Parents and Families
Students and Various Individuals
Various Organizations
The Arts
Academic Enities
The World Itself
Animals, Insects, etc.
The Universe and Beyond
and much more.....

To School Staff:

You walk a noble line
You few, who work to help a child
You walk a noble line
To educate and gently guide

The lessons learned in schools' four walls
In hallways and classroom
Be you tutor, canteen lady
Or the man who wields the broom

You walk a noble line
Please know
And much respect is due
You walk a noble line and so

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

To Support Staff

There's more to education
than teachers you see
support staff at this school
means the world to me.
You hold it all together
with a duty of care
so today I want to thank you
just for being there.

bySue Pitchfork

The Best Teachers

Teachers open up young minds,
showing them the wonders of the intellect
and the miracle
of being able to think for themselves.
A teacher exercises
the mental muscles of students,
stretching and strengthening,
so they can make challenging decisions,
find their way in the world,
and become independent.
The best teachers care enough
To gently push and prod students
to do their best
and fulfill their potential.
You are one of those.
Thank you.

By Joanna Fuchs